How to add custom board setting to Vivado HLS

When we create Vivado HLS project for non-default board, in the “Device Selection Dialog”, we have to specify

  • Device family
  • Package type
  • Speed grade

and then choose the right part:


This (cumbersome) process can be grately simplified by addng board definition in Vivado HLS config file.

Let’s take Zybo Z7-20 as an example.

All you have to do is add the following line to the file <Vivado Installation Directory>/common/config/VivadoHls_boards.xml
<board name="Zybo Z7-20" display_name="Zybo Z7 (7020)" family="zynq" part="xc7z020clg400-1"  device="xc7z020" package="clg400" speedgrade="-1" vendor="" />

… and the custom setting will appear in the “Device Selection Dialog”:
